Niigata, it's serious. Especially called officials is not smart. The police and fire department are rather kind people, Smart impression as a result. As I wrote in my previous blog, As for how stupid the officials are, More than 70% of the answers to my questions are incorrect information. It may be the same in any country, Officials are troublesome, and there are often omissions in the communication of necessary matters. Anyway, the explanation is unkind. This would be a rural problem. Anyway, the officials are always grumpy and grandiose. I can understand why officials are annoyed. Then officials should use their brains to try to reduce mistakes. But they never will. Because their salaries don't change whether they work or not. Officials only need to imitate what their predecessors did. So they are still working the way they did 100 years ago. What's even more frightening is that they never dream that their paperwork skills are terribly inferior, but rather they are truly under the illusion that they are elite and smart. I know an official with a terribly inferior job performance. He's old enough, but he can't do the job satisfactorily. I think someone like him should learn Excel and learn how to use his brain at the same time. According to him, "Elites like me don't need to learn Excel." I know he was frustrated when he tried to learn VBA without even knowing the rudimentary functions. You can see from him that if you don't have objectivity, you miss out on the chance to get a lot of things. I have written at length so far, but this is only a story about Niigata, even officials. I think other regions, such as Nagaoka or Nagano, are in a different situation, and private companies are much better than officials. In retrospect, we can see that the lack of objectivity is the root of their childish work. The same thing will happen to private companies if they lose their objectivity. In order to objectively take a bird's-eye view of sales results, many companies use forecasts and actual management. However, here in Niigata, there are many companies do not manage this important forecast. In fact, there are many managers who do not even know the term "predictive management." In this way, it is not possible to look at the results with objectivity, much less to analyze them. In order not to step on the rut of the officials who failed to do so, private companies also have more objectivity, Specifically, I think we should manage the number to make the most of limited resources. In terms of management, private companies in Niigata are very poor. Just as officials evaluate themselves as smart without objectivity. I think the problem is that private companies in Niigata are completely unaware of their own low level.